Dream Bliss Series Crash 14″

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Dream Bliss Series Crash 14″


Dream Bliss 14″ Crash Cymbal

The Bliss Series from Dream pride themselves on the hand rendered techniques used in every cymbal. Individuality and craftsmanship are embedded into each Dream cymbal using hand forging and hammering. The series is full of shimmer and the artistry within each individual cymbal speaks for itself. Exceptional resilience synonymous with the Dream brand is at the forefront of this series. The Bliss Series comes alive at the slightest touch, a cymbal that can’t wait to be heard. 

The Bliss 14″ Crash Cymbal generates a swift decay and pleasant wash. With the ability to produce an array of powerful washes in a small crash, this cymbal definitely makes a statement. The 14″ crash cymbal is extremely responsive and has the ability to reach a variety of sounds in quiet settings.


  • Surface: Micro-lathed by hand
  • Bow: Low gentle bridge
  • Bell: Small, articulate, clear
  • Weight: Thin tapers towards edge
  • Hammering: Hand hammered (both before and after lathing)
  • Stick: Woody round attack


  • 14″ Crash Cymbal



Dream Bliss Series Crash 14"
